Story in Bloom | The Trip
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Our Trip


In October 2015, I married the love of my life in Los Angeles California.  A few days later, we quit our jobs, put our stuff in storage, and bought last minute tickets to Costa Rica. We took nothing but the clothes on our back, two backpacks, and a bunch of credit cards. It was supposed to be three months exploring the jungles and beaches of Costa Rica.  Three months turned into two years and Costa Rica turned into 28 countries on every inhabited continent.


I didn’t blog. I didn’t post. I didn’t even take videos.  I took this time to listen. I talked to everyone. Explored everything. And I uncovered some of the most remarkable stories that have yet to be told on the big screen. My goal is to change that.


Below are a few different ways to see the world through my eyes, not just in pictures but also through a few experiences I’ve written about and several visual art projects that were inspired by my time abroad.  I hope you enjoy shuffling through some of the content, but more than that, I hope something I have shared will spark you to take an adventure of your own.  Happy Trails!

Travel Photos

Travel Photos

A sampling of photos from every country.

Travel Thoughts

Travel Thoughts

Blog-style posts about some of my experiences abroad

Travel Art

Travel Art

Art pieces inspired by stories on the road