Story in Bloom | My Work
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little bride square

My Work


I am well-traveled within the realm of television and have walked almost every path associated with transforming the kernel of an idea into the story you see on screen.  I’ve traversed the domains of producing, development, & production management, and have presided over departments in each. 


The sum of my experience allows me to see every project in 3-D.  When developing a series or campaign, I am at once thinking about the creative impact and the production footprint.  While brainstorming ideas to cut costs, I’m dreaming up more inventive ways to get our point across.  I’ve learned from the best how to manage clients and content. I know how to identify a story worth millions and make a sizzle on a dime. It’s this ability to work a single concept like a rubix cube, spinning between the varied departments, mixing and matching skills and talents, that sets me apart. 

little bride square

My Work


I am well-traveled within the realm of television and have walked almost every path associated with transforming the kernel of an idea into the story you see on screen.   I’ve traversed the domains of producing, development, & production management, and have presided over departments in each. 


The sum of my experience allows me to see every project in 3-D.  When developing a series or campaign, I am at once thinking about the creative impact and the production footprint.  While brainstorming ideas to cut costs, I’m dreaming up more inventive ways to get our point across.  I’ve learned from the best how to manage clients and content. I know how to identify a story worth millions and make a sizzle on a dime. It’s this ability to work a single concept like a rubix cube, spinning between the varied departments, mixing and matching skills and talents, that sets me apart. 





